Friday, May 22, 2015

Best Posters

One of the posters I most liked was the one from the movie "Obsessāo". The poster is very interesting and makes me want to watch the movie. The photo they used for the background is very unique and it portrays the story-line of the film. It definitely symbolizes the loneliness of the main character (Francisca) and gives us the impression of a sad and desolate girl. When looking at the poster you can make a sort of idea in your mind of what the movie is about. I also like the fact that the title of the film is in Portuguese. This makes it very different from all the other titles and it definitely calls people's attention. The size, the font and the color used for the text is very clear and legible. The date of release of the movie is also in a large font and inside a box, which I find very clever since it is a way to emphasize on it but at the same time it doesn't interfere with the image in the background. This is definitely a poster that intrigues me and makes me want to know more about what happens.

Another poster that I found of high quality is the one of the movie "Flashback". It is a very different one to the rest because the fact that it the image of the poster is a "selfie" makes it very unique and it calls people'e attention. The font that they used is big enough to be read and understood clearly and it is the perfect size for the viewer to see it as soon as he/she looks at the poster. The size of the actual poster is very appropriate and therefore the quality of the image is very high. Just the image itself makes me want to watch the film and in general it is very interesting.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Our Process

This is almost the third week we have been intensively working on this project and we have had several difficulties as well as accomplishments. The biggest difficulty we have had so far is planning and having specific days in which we all meet and gather to film. Since there are four persons in the group, it is very hard to choose a day because there is usually one person that isn't available to film and this has caused delay in our process which means we will have less time to edit the movie. Another issues is that none of the members of our group have a tripod and finding one has been very complicated, so when we film, the camera sometimes moves and this may distract the viewer or cause an effect that we aren't looking for. Finally, after filming the first scene we realized that the sound and the dialogue can't be heard very clearly due to distracting noises such as people speaking as we film and cars passing by, but for this we have decided that we will do an over voice so that it sounds much better. 
Even though we have had these complications, we have also had some accomplishments. The days we have filmed have been very productive and we have been able to film as much as we can in one day. Also, the day we chose to film the first scene at Starbucks was a very good choice because the day was very sunny which made the image be very clear and high quality. Also, we have already edited this whole first scene and created the poster we will use to promote our movie around school. This is considered an accomplishment because the more we do and advance now, the more time we will have to edit and do any final corrections. Finally, we have also been able to decide the exact places and scenes that will be filmed in the future and this is very helpful because as soon as we are ready to film we don't have to think in what we are going to do or how we are going to do it (which takes a lot of time) since we already have all of this planned, and this will make the filming process more effective and successful. 

Colombian Film

In Colombia, film generally hasn't been profitable or highly successful which is the reason why it's production isn't very constant and it's popularity has decreased throughout the years. One of the main reasons for it not to be very successful is because Colombian film has barely been recognized and has a very low presence in other countries. At the beginning of the XX century, some companies tried to maintain and support Colombian film but due to the lack of economic support and the strong competition from other countries (especially the US), this ended up spoiling the initiative and making producers loose hope. Some of the most popular Colombian movies are: El Paseo, Rosario Tijeras, Los Colores de la Montaña, etc.

The major difference between Colombian film and other popular cinema is that Colombian film is usually only popular in Colombia but doesn't become popular internationally while other movies, such as The Hunger Games (a film from USA) are popular worldwide. Therefore, the profit obtained from Colombian film is much less than the one obtained from other cinemas and this results in Colombian film not being so popular or successful as compared to others. For example, the past years, the amount of Colombian films released has been decreasing. In 2012, 23 movies were released and in 2013 this number decreased to 17 movies.

In Colombian films, the most typical technique used is that the film or movie is based or related to the situation and real facts of the country. For example, most movies are related either to the violence, corruption, drug trafficking or other political situations that are evident in Colombia and this is usually reflected in the movies. For example the movies "Soñar no cuesta nada" and "Golpe de estadio" are movies that prove the point that the social, economical and political situation of Colombia is a point of reference and inspiration for many movie-makings.

Monday, April 27, 2015


The plot of our movie is basically about 2 twin brothers named David and Damon who both fall in love with the same girl named Tory. Tory doesn't know they are twins, which makes her think that it's the same boy. Both brothers are convinced that she is the one, so the only fair way out of this is sharing Tory. The twins must do all sorts of things so that she doesn't discover the game they are playing on her. The movie ends with a plot twist in which the one being fooled wasn't Tory, it was them. 
We chose this plot because we think it is a very funny and interesting situation. The fact that they are twins is something that we can play around with to make a very unique movie. We also thought that comedy would be the best genre to represent this and make a high quality movie. 
On another hand, there are three main characters: David, Damon and Tory. David, is 17 year old and he is the first one that Tory meets is characterized for being quite clumsy, funny and innocent. On the other hand, Damon, his brother, also 17 years old is very flirtatious, naughty and not shy at all. We chose to make the brothers have opposite personalities because then when Tory meets them, they both act differently but she only thinks that this "one" boy has a very weird and changing personality. We thought that this would make the movie way funnier because it will eventually cause lots of confusion on Tory. Finally, the other main character as mentioned above is off course Tory. Tory is 16 years old and she is a sexy young lady who is very self confident about herself. At first she gives the impression of an innocent, cute girl, but throughout the movie she demonstrates that she is actually very naughty and ends up being a smarty. While the twins think that they are fooling and playing around with her, what they don't know is that she is being even more smart than them and she is the one playing them. We decided that this was the appropriate personality for Tory because with this we can create an unexpected plot twist that will confuse the viewer and make them think twice. 
In the first scene (the only one we have filmed until the moment), there are several symbols that we have decided to use. For example, when she is taking a selfie and sees an imperfection in her makeup she gets very obfuscated and this symbolizes how superficial she is and it helps the viewer understand her personality. Another example is when Damon runs down the stairs to follow Tory. This symbolizes how desperate he is to talk to her and the fact that he is not afraid of anything as long as he gets what he wants. 
In this first scene, most of the camera angles are either medium shot or long shot. The reason why we have't been able to use extreme long shot is because Starbucks is an interior place and this technique is usually used in way bigger spaces. Also, we haven't used normal or extreme close up and the reason for this is because there are certain things in Sebastian and Mateo's face which are quite different and zooming into them would make the viewer differentiate them and make it obvious that they are totally different (which is not the purpose). The only part in which we have used close-up is when showing the name "Tory" written on the Starbucks coffee cup. Once the twin brothers change some of their physical appearance to look much more similar, then we will be able to utilize the close-up technique a bit more. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Role

The role that I will assume is the Producer role. In the workshop we had, I learnt that the producer is responsible for making sure that a high quality movie is produced and that the budget is used appropriately. There are many roles it must assume and some of these are: determine locations, create a shooting schedule, handle problems with actors, create advertisement for the film, etc. 
The reason why my group and I have decided that I should be the producer is because I am very organized with what I do, I'm responsible and whenever it comes to big projects like these, I like to lead and have control of what is going on. By being the producer, my project will be successful because I will try to follow all the steps a professional producer does. For example, I have created a plan of action in which I've told the members of my group which day we will film and where. Also, one of the main roles of the producer is to be constantly speaking with the director and offer creative suggestions to him; therefore part of my plan is to suggest all my ideas to him and together we can come to some agreements. By being demanding and being aware of what is going on, the film and the process of the filming will result successful. Also, once the movie is completely finished and all the editing has been added to it, I will carefully watch it and make sure that everything is how we expected it to be. 

Plan of Action

Since there are many things we must do in a short amount of time, we have created a plan of action so that we work effectively and so that we're able to finish the task for the due deadline. Basically, the structure of our plan is as follows: 

Week 1: Planning and discussion
Week 2 & 3: Filming 
Week 4: Editing

This past week we used class time and created a Whatsapp group in which we discussed many aspects of the film such as plot, characters and setting. Also, all together as a group, we were able to decide what our movie was going to be about and some very specific details regarding scenes, the names of the characters, the restaurant/house where we are going to film, some dialogue, etc. Since we already know exactly what we are going to do and how we are going to do it, now we are ready to start with the filming.
The next two weeks will be the time in which we film the entire movie. We have decided that during the week, after school we will all go together to the places where the movie is going to be filmed and film as much as we can every day. In order to be able to do the whole filming in 2 weeks, we are going to meet about 3 to 4 times every week. 
Finally, when the filming of the whole movie is completed, we will use the last week we have to edit the movie and add the sound effects to it. We believe that we need at least one week to do this. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Camera Angles Research

Camera angles basically mean the specific way and position in which an image or video are taken. There are several levels and techniques that can be used when shooting. Also, there are specific names given to different shots according to how much of the subject is being shown, the distance between the camera and the subject and the perspective of whomever is seeing the shot. In the list below I have mentioned the 5 most common and basic techniques:

1. Extreme long shot - This shot is usually used to show very large exterior spaces such as landscapes. There is a lot of space/distance between the camera and what is being shown (no zoom) and it is also used to show a general impression of a setting which means that there is no detail shown in this shot. This technique is mostly used in thriller or war-related movies.
2. Long Shot - A long shot consists of showing the complete subject and showing it in an approximate "life" size. If the subject is a human, then it's head will be near the top of the frame and it's feet near the bottom. Even though there is a clear subject, the background detail is also very clear.
3. Medium Shot - In a medium shot, the subject is only shown either from the knees or the waist up and this technique is generally used when there is dialogue or to show any details regarding the subject.
4. Close-up - In a close-up shot, the subject is magnified and zoomed in to until just very little background is shown (the background is blurry). It is used to show someone's expression or to make the viewer feel either very comfortable or very uncomfortable regarding the character. 
5. Extreme close-up - An extreme close-up shows an extremely magnifies image which wouldn't normally be what a person would see in reality. There is no background detail exposed because the subject covers the complete frame.

Movie: The Hunger Games
Camera Angle: Close-up

Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
Camera Angle: Long shot

Movie: Narnia
Camera Angle: Extreme long shot

Movie: Wolf of Wall Street
Camera Angle: Medium shot

Movie: X-men
Camera Angle: Extreme close-up